09/12 (四) – 09/15  (日)






The Qabalah Ascension Symposium brings Qabalists studying the Spheres of the Tree of Life the full, physical Ascension Process.



The Pre-Requisite to Attend the Symposium is Qabalah Sphere Working, also known as “Climbing the Tree”.  The Symposium is our Annual Gathering to experience traditional physical ascension rituals and build the Merkabah. This program includes the famous Abyss Crossing.  Obviously, for Qabalah we have our own terminology to describe things, so I’ll explain.  The Abyss is like the Grand Canyon in the Tree of LIfe. It divides the Physcial, Personal, and Individual Spirit levels from the Divine realm that we call the Supernal Triad.  Crossing this “Abyss” requires special preparation rituals to build the Merkabah, (our word for the Ascension Vehicle).  




This is a hybrid program.  That means Mama Laurie is conducting the training by webinar as our special team of highly trained Guide/Qabalists offer you the physical ascension experience.  If this is your first time at Qaballah Symposium, you must attend in person.   




Crossing the Abyss training builds a structure called the Rainbow Bridge.  This process builds your self-esteem and self-awareness as it prepares you to live in the Divine Energies for the rest of your life.  These rituals must be experienced physically at least one time.  The benefit of this deep Spiritual work is tremendous, and it will change your perceptions of yourself and the world.




Qabalists, this is the full application of all that you have learned in Sphere Working! 




This advanced seminar opens the full power of the Qabalah and the Divine Light. We do this through physical ascensions sphere by sphere from Malkuth to Kether. This program does not include the meditation ascensions from our Year of Study Webinars, rather it includes the Traditional Qabalistic Ascension Rituals. 

這個進階的現場研討會開啟卡巴拉和神聖之光最大程度的力量。我們透過從 Malkuth 到 Kether ,一個天體到一個天體這樣的物質揚升來做到這一點。這個方案不包括我們年度線上研討會中的揚升冥想,而是涵蓋了傳統的卡巴拉揚升儀軌。



In addition, this Symposium teaches you how to use the correspondences of the Qabalah Sephiroth for a specific purpose and manifestation. This training program Includes the deep mystery of the direct Ascension Experience. This is a hands-on PRACTICAL Qabalah Training Bootcamp!




The Benefits of Attending this Training: Experiential Integration of each of the Spheres of the Tree of Life, Understanding of How to Manifest and Create as God Manifests and Creates, Connection with other Qabalists to team up as one heart and mind! This programs includes the famous Abyss Crossing Experience. You will release much of the negative ego processes and embrace yourself as a Divine Spirit in a Human Body as you experience this “Crossing”! 




This advanced Qabalah Symposium Program is required for all who hope to become Qabalah Teachers.



QBL Symposium is a graduation for those who do QBL Sphere Study and / or Pathworking.  It is also a program where I start to train QBL Teachers to do the Ascensions IF they register for QBL Symposium Teacher’s Program in Utah.  This training must be in person. What you gain from it is deeper clarity and understanding so that you may be a fantastic teacher offering Intro to Hermetic Qabalah by Guides! You learn the practical skills of how to use the tree to manifest and what the Ascension energies feel like.  You also build the Merkabah Ascension Vehicle.

We teach many rituals and offer many tools that take you deeper into your personal understanding of the Tree of Life.  As a Guide it is essential you understand the Tree fully because all of our work is based on this foundation.





09/12 (四) – 09/15  (日)

每日早上 08:30-16:30(實際結束時間依照當天課程狀況而定)













